Handover your list of design jobs, and have them back in your hands [completed] in just one day!

Join the list of business owners who had all their designs completed and out in the world, in just one day.

 Before I start my spiel, I need to show you something…


Our Day Pass clients had their designs completed in one day, with no feedback required, and I’m going to help you do the same.

*Take design off your to do list and know it’s completely taken care of

*Have your brand assets look polished and consistent across every touch point [touchpoint = every single place someone interacts with your business]

*Look the part & stand out from your competitors AKA never having to use a free Canva template again.



Hey there! I’m Indy…

The designer behind the highly sought after Design Day Pass. I’m here to keep your business looking the part visually as it grows, giving back your time to do what you do best [whatever that may be!].

After spending years supporting businesses by creating strong visual systems [see our Signature Brand Design Package here] oh and working our butts off to create high quality designs super efficiently (to a top notch standard of course)... it was time to create a service that looked after businesses AFTER their branding was in place, for all the miscellaneous design tasks that arise as they grow.

I created the Design Day Pass to support your brand in looking the part, to reduce your seemingly never ending to do list, and to utilise my efficient design work for your business — all for one predictable flat rate.

Ready for your first Day Pass? I sure am!

Not sold yet?

I was once where you are this very second… with a long list of my own design tasks that I just ‘couldn’t get around to’.

I was too busy doing what i do best [serving amazing clients like you] that i just couldn’t focus on my own design needs — and heck, design is what i’m good at!

That’s when I decided to close the inbox and work through the task with no distractions. No mid-day meetings. No back & forth emails. No collating content. Pure design time to smash out the design list [with a soundtrack of CaseFiles on Spotify].

And in just one day, I had the whole list completed and ready to share with the world…

And now I want to do the same for you!

Introducing the:
Design Day Pass

The Design Day Pass is the unique package that gets your list of design jobs completed & in your hands in just one day.

Ready to get results like these?

What’s included in the Design Day Pass service?

Workbook / Task List

A guided Client Workbook to make the most of our time together. The workbook helps you to create your perfect task list, in priority order, and provide all the relevant info we need [via Google Docs].

One Full Day Design Sprint

One day (6.5 hours) of design time, completely dedicated to you & achieving your design needs — no distractions.

Optional Strategy Call

Pre-design-day Strategy Call to clarify any of your tasks, and make sure we’re equipped with everything we need to know pre-day.

Optional Extra Edit Round

1 round of post-design-day edits & revisions to ensure you can look at your designs with fresh eyes and do one final spell check.

All Final Approved Design Files

Any/all finished designs in your inbox the following day.

How It Works

1. Book a day on
our calendar.

Schedule a day with us via our contact form; once booked we’ll send a simple workbook to help you compile all your to-dos + brand ‘bits’ you need designed. Once we’ve confirmed what’s realistic to tackle in the day, then we’re ready to go!

Please send all necessary assets at least 48 hours before your Day Pass day so we can familiarise ourselves with everything.

2. We get down
to business.

Hooray—it’s your Day Pass day! Our team will start first thing in the morning and then mid-morning (around 10:30-11am AEST), we’ll send you a first draft for your review. Based on your feedback, we’ll spend the rest of the day wrapping up your punch list of design items. You’ll receive a final design preview by 3pm AEST.

3. Your designs
are ready.

After you review our final design preview, we’ll spend the rest of our day working on final design touches and prepping files for you. We’ll send you printable files by 10 am AEST the next day. There’s one extra revision round included here if you spotted any minor changes needed overnight (up to 1 hour).


Ready to keep every aspect of your business looking polished (from individual instagram posts to big ticket proposal documents & everything in between) while you keep doing what you do best?

Investment = $1400 + GST

By now you’re probably noticing this isn’t your typical Graphic Design service…


No waiting weeks or even months to get your design needs into our calendar — see our availability live & book the most suitable time as soon as you’re ready to.


Our undivided attention on you [your biz], and you alone. No jumping between projects & clients means we’re super productive and your designs have our full-efficient-attention.


Set & forget, by trusting us with your design project! Skip the back & forth of the typical design process, and have your designs complete in record time.


Know what to expect every step of the way, and when to expect it. It’s totally transparent & it totally works.


We’ve got a history of Day Pass designs that receive ZERO REVISIONS and heck we’re proud of it.


Still undecided? This service is a perfect fit for you if you’ve got design jobs sitting on your to do list, but you know your time is better spent on what you do best!

(Not got your branding in place? See our Custom Brand Design Package here first)

Have a question before booking your first day?

  • The Day Pass is based on a set amount of time, rather than deliverables, so it’s completely up to you what we can achieve in a day! Some clients like to batch social media post designs, others need proposal document templates, others are after a website layout design to send to their developer. All of these are achievable in a day when the content is supplied as per our Client Workbook — but do get in touch via email ( if you’d like to clarify your list before booking.

  • Each day pass includes 1 revision round (up to 1 hour) on the following day. While we don’t like to toot our own horn… most clients don’t use it! We’re pretty proud to say more than 80% of our Day Pass’s receive ZERO REVISIONS.

  • We’ll check in with you throughout the day (at scheduled times) to ensure we’re on the right track — there’s always time to make changes — and if you find something minor overnight we can tweak it using the extra revision round included.

  • Payments can be made in 2 instalments (50/50) or upfront. Full payment is required prior to the day. Email us here ( to organise split payment.

  • Payments are not refundable as you are booking time in our schedule which is not bookable by anyone else (even if you forget to supply your content in time!!). With 7 days notice we are happy to reschedule your day, however payments are not refundable.

  • Unfortunately this is out of our control, and your day will be forfeited with no refund or reschedule offered. We’ve said no to other clients who wanted your spot to give you our full attention.

  • The workbook is due back with content ready 3 working days before your day. This is to ensure we have time to download everything needed & prepare ourselves to make the most of your day. Booking a day last minute? At a minimum we require 1 business day to do this process.

  • We suggest booking a minimum of 7 days in advance to ensure you have enough time to collate your task list & content.. But you can book as soon as you’d like!

  • Yes! If you have existing designs that need tweaking, updating or styling we can absolutely do this — we accept Adobe InDesign, Illustrator or Canva Files. We can also recreate old designs for you if you’ve lost the working files.

  • Typically working files are not included, and can be purchased for an additional fee. We hold onto all working files so we can continue creating with them on your next Day Pass. The exception to this is if we are creating Design Templates for you (must be approved prior).

  • Business owners who:

    • Have a list of design needs

    • Who value their time & want to outsource design to a professional

    • Respect processes

    • Reply on time!

  • Business Owners who :

    • like to micromanage,

    • need lots of time to prepare feedback

    • Are slow to reply to messages

    • Can’t follow instruction

  • You’ll be required to complete the Client Workbook, designed to help you compile your task list & set your list in priority order. It’s also a place to collate all the content required.

    On the day you’ll be required for a 15 minute check in mid morning to ensure the designs are on track… and again mid afternoon for a final check. This can be a simple screenshot so you don’t need to be sitting by your desk all day. Times will be confirmed with you in the workbook to ensure you know when to be available.


1. Contact us via our contact form
2. Put together your task list (we’ll help!)
3. Confirm your booking with payment.

Total Investment: $1400+GST

What We Can Do

There are way too many projects to list that we can bring to life on your design day pass —all on brand, consistent & custom made for you. Here are some ideas to get you inspired!

Print Materials:

  • Course Workbooks

  • Brochures, postcards

  • Print ads

  • Gift certificates

  • Brand Stationery

  • Loyalty cards

Packaging Design:

  • Box Design

  • Labels

  • Hang Tags

  • Tissue Paper

  • Mailer Boxes

  • Poly Mailers

  • Custom Dielines

Digital Graphics:

  • Website concept design (to pass on to your developer)

  • Social media graphics

  • Blog & newsletter graphics

  • Website banners

  • E-Books & downloads

  • Digital ads

Environmental Graphics:

  • Store signage (window clings, price tags, etc.)

  • Trade shows (booth graphics, banners, etc.)

  • A-frames, billboards, busboards

  • Car signage

Don’t let our list limit your creativity, we’re champions of saying ‘heck yes!’ to a challenge.